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Protect your asset with

the peril group

Your Experts in Insurance Risk Mitigation

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About Us

The Peril Group

When working for the policyholder on adjusting their insurance claims, we realized that not only did most of our customers not read their insurance policies, many did not even have copies of their full insurance policy jacket! In working the claims file, our team would have to navigate restrictive policy language that would hinder our client’s outcome. Certain endorsements and exclusions would be hidden within these massive insurance policies that absolutely hurt our client’s chance at success.

It was then that we realized we needed to advocate for our customers on the forefront and offer a service to analyze their policy prior to having a claim and also ensure they had the correct amount of coverage so to deter a co-insurance penalty down the line.

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Solution For Every Management Risk

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Risk Management

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Home Owners Associations

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Farm and Ranch

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